A Voice Of Warning

Truth is the property of no individual but is the treasure of all men.

A Voice of Warning Series


Blank first list item to make sure on open that the first item shown is closed
Voice of Warning Series-Class 1: "Mark of the Beast and the New World Order"

It is critical to understand that a false narrative has been used to promote the COVID vaccines and vaccine compliance. Commonly stated “selling” points turn out to be the opposite of what is true.

As more people are vaccinated, more people become infected. The individuals of highest risk are the vaccinated. Unfortunately, through the process of original antigenic sin the immune systems of the COVID vaccinated are compromised making them more susceptible to the virus variants as well as a host of other immune disorders.

In addition, it is extremely important to consider that vaccine side effects are extremely underreported. This is by choice and not by accident. Understanding of this is only possible through recognition that this is one of signs of the end times.

Surely, we are living in the time of Isaiah 29:27 “And woe unto them that seek deep to hide their counsel from the Lord. And their works are in the dark; and they say, Who seeth us and who knoweth us? And they also say, Surely, your turning of things upside down shall be esteemed as the potter’s clay.”


Revelation 13:1-4 (Inspired Version)

Revelation 13:15-18 (Inspired Version)

apolitical slide by Chris Martenson.



“GIVE me control of a nation’s money supply, and I care not who makes its laws.” So said Mayer Amschel Rothschild, founder of the Rothschild banking dynasty.

List of NGOs

Mark Moss: How to Prepare for the Great Reset

Corona = 666    timetofreeamerica.com

H.R. 666


H.R. 6666


Bill Gates slides are from carriemadej.com



Melinda gates with her upside down cross, Source:  Today’s Show 5-8-2020.  In preparation for this class.  In preparation for this class, I watched this video.   Now, it appears that NBC has deleted this show.  It no longer appears on either their website or on Youtube.  Unfortunately, the Way Back Machine https://archive.org/web/ does not archive videos.

Gates-funded GAVI vaccine alliance


Picture of Klaus Schwab  https://media.gettyimages.com/photos/founder-and-executive-chairman-of-the-world-economic-forum-klaus-a-picture-id505879584?s=2048×2048

Klaus Schwab founding the world economic program



Biden’s comment on getting it done   6 minutes, six days, or six weeks.

Klaus Schwab statements


Dr. Chris Martenson:  Strangely, in October 2019 it was noted that there was a strange sudden shutdown of the streets around the lab in Wuhan, China.


China has been credited for creating the Coronavirus through gain of function research through NIMH funds provided by Dr. Fauci to Peter Daszak of the Eco Health Alliance.   May 2020.

Percent of Americans fully vaccinated  62.9% as of 2-2-2022


Nov 4, 2021 Bill Gates Germ Games


November 16, 2021 Vials of smallpox discovered



Event 201



Revelation 14:8 Inspired Version

Voice of Warning Series-Class 2: "Increases In Covid Unrelated To Vaccinations"


Quotations from Dr. Robert Malone



Autogenic Sin



An observational study of breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant

infections among vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam



Increases in covid 19 are unrelated to levels of vaccination



Dr. Chris Martenson



Dr. Stephanie Seneff: 








A Randomized, Controlled Trial of Ebola Virus Disease Therapeutics





Preliminary Findings of mRNA Covid-19 Vaccine Safety in Pregnant Persons



Isaiah 5:18


Isaiah 5:20


Isaiah 29:27


Isaiah 5:18


Isaiah 5:20


Isaiah 29:27


No Discernable Relationship between Vaccines and Cases  by Dr. Chris Martenson


Available on Google

Mark Twain:  “The man who does not read has no advantage over the man who cannot read.”


Available on Google

General Patton:  “If everybody is thinking alike, then somebody is not thinking.”


Dr. Chris Martenson Update  Gibraltar



Mark of the Beast Update:  https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Wz2zW-c_R2A     


Show first page of Imperfect Vaccination Can Enhance the Transmission of Highly Virulent Pathogens



An observational study of breakthrough SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant infections among vaccinated healthcare workers in Vietnam




All videos listed on this resource.




12-2-2021 Interview of Dr. Malone on Warrom Pandemic with Steve Bannon


Dr. Robert Malone



Dr. Robert Malone



Dr. Robert Malone



Dr. Robert Malone   Kids at More Risk For Cardio Disease From Vax Than They Are From Covid



Dr. Robert Malone



Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA technology



Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA technology



Dr. Robert Malone inventor of the mRNA technology



Dr. Chris Martenson



Texas Covid-19 Summit:  Covid-19 Vaccines are they safe and effective?



Antigenic Sin  Dr. Geert Vander Bossche, Ph.D.  :53 / 29:12

The Vaccines: Awesome Ingenuity or A Huge Mistake?


Antigenic Sin Dr. Paul Alexander



Statement from Dr. Malone  Warroom Pandemic with Steve Bannon 12-2-2021






  1. Pfizer whistle blower Karen Kingston is a pharmaceutical and medical device business analyst.   Vaccine is a bio-terror weapon


Dr. Peter McCullough Cardiologist 

78th Annual Meeting of AAPS on October 2, 2021.

This video is stored on the AAPS Rumble channel


“Covid-19 vaccines have killed more people than the virus itself.”


November 21, 2021 Texas Covid-19 conference: “Vaccine is the extension of the kingdom of the beast.”


Texas Covid-19 Summit:  Covid-19 Vaccines are they safe and effective?



  1. December 4, 2021 Warroom pandemic with Steve Bannon statement by Dr. Malone.




Dr. Aaron Kheriaty on Biosecurity Surveillance



Dr. Aaron Kheriaty on Biosecurity Surveillance





VACCINE DEATH Report published by Dr. Zen Vladimir Zelenko M.D. and David John Sorensen in September 2021.





11-3-2021 Multisystem Inflammatory Syndrome in Children (MIS-C)


Texas Senator Bob Hall introduces Dr. Katarina Linley

Texas Covid-19 Summit:  Covid-19 Vaccines are they safe and effective?




Voice of Warning Series-Class 3: "Moderna, Pfizer and Jansen Ingredients"

Vaccine patents reveal vaccine contents. Patents also reveal how the manufacturers may vary vaccine contents at will.

Much like a page out of George Orwell’s 1984, the CDC modified the classic definition of vaccine to apply to the COVID-19 vaccines that use mRNA cell technology. The mRNA technology is inserted into the cells to use cell machinery to produce various synthetic substances, some of which might be beneficial. At the same time, other artificial synthetic substances appear to be for nefarious purposes.

Unfortunately, after productions of artificial substances in the human body are switched on, there appears to be no stop function to support homeostasis. The classic definition of vaccine posits that the contents of the vaccine must contain “a preparation of killed organisms, living attenuated organisms, or living fully virulent organisms.” People need to complete self-directed study for their welfare to come to their own conclusions.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 4: "Types of Vaccine Drug Delivery Vehicles"

The vaccine patents allow for the use of a wide variety of drug delivery vehicles or devices. All of these are of the size of nano-particles. These vehicles can be used for a variety of different substances. Some might be health-enhancing, while others appear to be present for potentially nefarious purposes.

Through examination of vaccine substances from all three manufactures, Dr. Carrie Madej, D.O., has detected the presence of nefarious substances in the form of fibers, disks, organisms that exude substances, and hydra-like organisms.

Other physicians and scientists have issued dire warnings about the vaccines. People need to complete self-directed study for their welfare to come to their own conclusions.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 5: "We Will Track You"

In a previous class, slides produced by Dr. Carrie Madej were presented which documented a variety of foreign elements in the COVID-19 vaccine. It this presentation, the names, positions, and references of other professionals who have likewise discovered foreign elements in the vaccines are briefly presented. The primary goal of this class is to present the implications of U.S. patent 11,107, 588 B2 that is viewed by the presenter as an ongoing effort to implement the intents of H.R. 6666, which did not pass. Methods for tracking, monitoring, and recording contacts are all operational in current smartphone technology. Data gathered could be used to generate social credit scores as well as calculate the amounts of vaccines or frequencies of boosters based on the social contacts of individuals.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 6: "My Life's Testimony"

I believe that sometimes we understand each other the best when we share our life testimonies and unique experiences. While some of us may come from comparable backgrounds, there are a few of us that have life experiences that shape and mold us a walk a narrow path that does not follow the broad road of the masses. I was raised a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. For me the scriptures and the history of this church are foundational in shaping me to the man that God wanted me to become. As a Licensed Psychologist, I have enjoyed providing therapy for the bruised and brokenhearted. I did this for an extended season of my life.

Now it has been repeatedly been confirmed to me that God has called me to be a Voice of Warning is these latter days. While this is a difficult path, I have repeatedly met Jesus there who has lightened my load. Jesus has sent messengers to me in a variety of forms, a prayer of a friend, a statement from a brother, a friend, a relative, a scripture, a song, a sermon, or words of encouragement from another professional who has taken the time to share truth and question why. Jesus is the reason I am alive today. My testimony is that Jesus Lives and he calls all of us, young and old, to minister light to those in bondage.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 7: "Mob Psychology In The Scriptures"

As a mere sinful mortal, there are no words I can use to describe the wondrous ministry of Jesus Christ. This description of Mob Psychology and the Ministry of Jesus uses different words or phrases than are commonly heard in churches or Sunday school classes. One purpose of the four gospels is to prepare all Christians for the end times.

Within these gospels is the Master’s outline as to how we are called to live like Jesus to confront the evil deceits of these latter days. During the days of his ministry, Jesus confronted the Scribes, Pharisees, Chief Priests, and others to expose how they were deceiving people by their vain lies. Only a few heard his voice and followed him. Those few changed the world forever.

Today, as Christians living in these Latter Days, we are called to be the few that change the world by awakening people out of the psychology of their slumber. My invitation to you as you watch and listen to this video is to Hear Ye Him.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 8: "Mob Psychology In Today's World"

As a mere sinful mortal, there are no words I can use to describe the wondrous ministry of Jesus Christ. This description of Mob Psychology and the Ministry of Jesus uses different words or phrases than are commonly heard in churches or Sunday school classes. One purpose of the four gospels is to prepare all Christians for the end times.

Within these gospels is the Master’s outline as to how we are called to live like Jesus to confront the evil deceits of these latter days. During the days of his ministry, Jesus confronted the Scribes, Pharisees, Chief Priests, and others to expose how they were deceiving people by their vain lies. Only a few heard his voice and followed him.

Those few changed the world forever. Today, as Christians living in these Latter Days, we are called to be the few that change the world by awakening people out of the psychology of their slumber. My invitation to you as you watch and listen to this video is to Hear Ye Him.

The perils of Mob Psychology are as old as the existence of man. We find one of the first manifestations of Mob Psychology in Genesis 11:1-9 (KJV), which is an account of the tower of Babel. During the last class, I shared information about Jesus: Mob Psychology and the Scriptures. In this class, I begin with scriptures and two audio clips from The Meaning of the Crucifixion sermon by Apostle Arthur A. Oakman. I then share how Mob Psychology was manifested in the Middle Ages through today. I detail the elements of Mob Psychology within the theoretical framework of Mass Formation presented by Dr. Mattias Desmet who is a professor at the University of Gent in Belgium, in the Department of Psychoanalysis and Clinical Consulting.

Legacy media (ABC, MSNBC, FOX, and CBS) relentlessly promoted propaganda about COVID-19 as waves of terror to cultivate fear, which potentiated the formation of Mass Formation leading many astray. The challenge is presented to watch and pray always lest you fall into the broad road that leads to destruction as defined in Matthew 7:13-14 (KJV) and Matthew 26:41 (KJV).

Voice of Warning Series-Class 9: "The Psychology of Mass Formation Part 1"

Unfortunately, everyone is susceptible to Mass Formation Psychosis. This occurs independent of race, religion, or social economic status. Mass Formation occurs within families, neighborhoods, social groups, companies, political groups, governmental organizations, and churches.

Mass Formation in its final stages resembles extreme mob-like behavior. One example is the mob who crucified Jesus. This class provides practical steps one can take to avoid falling into the trap of Satan that leads to the broad road to destruction. To avoid, deception, one must always question, study the scriptures, as well as watch and pray always.


Alma 16:9
Isaiah 60:1-2
Mathew 7:22-23
2 Timothy 3:1-5

Academy of Ideas How an Entire Population Becomes MENTALLY ILL

Arthur A. Oakman The Meaning of the Crucifixion http://www.centerplace.org/library/sermons/MeaningOfTheCrucifixion_Oakman.pdf

Chris 10-12-2021

Chris Mattias Desmet on Our Grave Situation 12-2-2021

Chris The Pandemic if Over part 1 Episode 021

Chris Walking Away from Mass Psychosis part 2
https://www.peakprosperity.com/walking-away-from-mass-psychosis/ Episode 021

TPC #653: Dr. Mattias Desmet, Dr. Robert Malone, Dr. Peter McCullough (Mass Formation Psychosis)

Psychological Tricks That Make People WILLINGLY Give Up Their Freedom W/ Prof. Mattias Desmet| AMP

Genesis 3:1-5

1. And I, the Lord God, spake unto Moses, saying, That Satan whom thou hast commanded in the name of mine Only Begotten, is the same which was from the beginning;

2 And he came before me, saying, Behold I, send me, I will be thy Son, and I will redeem all mankind, that one soul shall not be lost, and surely I will do it; wherefore, give me thine honor.

3 But behold, my beloved Son, which was my beloved and chosen from the beginning, said unto me: Father, thy will be done, and the glory be thine forever.

4 Wherefore, because that Satan rebelled against me, and sought to destroy the agency of man, which I, the Lord God, had given him; and also that I should give unto him mine own power; by the power of mine Only Begotten I caused that he should be cast down; and he became Satan.

5 Yea, even the devil, the father of all lies, to deceive, and to blind men, and to lead them captive at his will, even as many as would not hearken unto my voice.

Alma 16:9 For thus saith the scripture, Choose ye this day whom you will serve.

Isaiah 60:1 Arise, shine; for thy light is come, and the glory of the Lord is risen upon thee.

2 For, behold, the darkness shall cover the earth, and gross darkness the people; but the Lord shall arise upon thee, and his glory shall be seen upon thee.

Mathew 7:22 Repent, therefore, and enter ye in at the strait gate; for wide is the gate, and broad is the way that leadeth to destruction, and many there be who go in thereat.

23 Because strait is the gate, and narrow is the way that leadeth unto life, and few there be that find it.

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ksb3KD6DfSI “Extremely Dangerous to our Democracy.”

Trusted News Initiative

Trusted News Initiative Fourth paragraph

Each COVID-19 commercial is saying the same thing verbatim.

I Cor 10:12 Wherefore let him that thinketh he standeth take heed lest he fall.

13 There hath no temptation taken you but such as is common to man; but God is faithful, who will not suffer you to be tempted above that ye are able; but will with the temptation also make a way to escape, that ye may be able to bear it.

BRICS founded in 2006, with first conference being held in Russia in 2009
Source: BRICS Roadshow Polkwame Limpopo (South Africa) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HzlXTQaOVFg&t=719s

BRICS “key element of the emerging multipolar world”- Putin
Russia Today
May 28, 2015 BRICS https://www.rt.com/business/262813-brics-bank-summit-russia/

Russia Today
June 8, 2015 BRICS https://www.rt.com/business/265723-brics-gdp-pushkov-russia/?utm_source=browser&utm_medium=aplication_chrome

Russia Today
West’s global political and economic dominance ends – Putin

(signal to all BRICS and associated nations)

https://www.zerohedge.com/markets/goldman-admits-saudi-china-oil-trade-signals-erosion-dollar-reserve-status Title only

A Central Bank Digital Currency Is Coming to America

Voice of Warning Series-Class 10: "The Psychology of Mass Formation Part 2"


This is a continuation of the in-depth coverage of Mass Formation Psychosis or Mob Psychology, whichever term you prefer to use. This phenomenon is as old as the existence of man. One of the earliest recorded instances of mob psychology is the Tower of Babel. Later in history, Elijah stood as a witness against mob psychology before the Priests of Baal. In the Book of Mormon, Abinadi dared to challenge the mob psychology of King Noah and his priests.

One of the finest examples of Mob Psychology is found in the Book of Matthew, through study of the Ministry of Jesus. He was always challenging, pushing-back, and defying the mob psychology of the chief priests, scribes, and Pharisees. Near the end of Jesus’ ministry on earth, mob psychology seized the masses which resulted in the crucifixion.

All of us sometime in our lives have fallen into the trap of mob psychology. Falling into the snare of mob psychology has a predictable series of phases. The common denominator of these phases is a loosing of moral standards until it appears that the person caught in the snare has limited morals.

Again, the only antidote to avoiding deception is to study, question, watch, and pray always, and study the scriptures.

Voice of Warning Series-Class 11: "The Psychology of Mass Formation Part 3"

This is the final class of the series of Mass Formation Psychosis or Mob Psychology. It is hoped that individuals who complete this sequence will be able to either formally or informally teach others or congregations of people who are going down the broad dark path.

I would testify that I have felt the impress of the spirit of God while working on these materials. It is my hope that they will be used for the ultimate building of the kingdom of God (Zion). It is so important to free others from the blindness of their eyes and hardness of their hearts. I hope that the materials contained in these Voice of Warning classes will help individuals avoid the broad road that leads to destruction. The invitation of Christ is to walk on the Old, Old, Path – narrow road that leads to life eternal. I believe that as the Saints of God, we have wandered too long as strangers in sin and cried in the desert for Jesus. It is time to free ourselves from the snares of sin – “mob psychology” before it is too late. Even when those around us have fallen asleep, or persecute us, or cast us out, we are still called to raise a warning voice. Just like Jesus, we are called to stand for the truth, to push back the deceits of Satan, and be counted. So the question is, so who will you choose, Jesus with the angels and saints of God, or the Great Reset with Satan and his workers of darkness. The choice, my brother or sister in Christ is yours.

Get In Touch With Dr. Rick D. Thomas, Ph.D.

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